Monday, June 28, 2004

2 months of my summer vacation are GONE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

this is crazie!!! i cna't believe that i've already spent 2 months of my summer vacation... this sux... it seems so short, yet HAHA..it's like twice as long as all the previous summer vacations i've had in high skool and elementary skool. i guess i've done quite a lot with my summer so far, yet it really doens't seem like it =P

hehe.. oh goodness...i've been talking to a couple of my friends about their relationship problems (haha..no names now!). When i hear of all these stories of what my friends are going thru, it just makes me come to the conclusion that i dun want any part in it.. sure, there are it's advantages of being in a relationship, but i dunno..they just dun seem to outweight the disadvantages, which is just fine with me! haha..i'm actually really enjoying my single life now. i mean, sure... it'ld be nice to find that guy yur meant to spend the rest of yur life with now..but i'm really not in the hurry for it at all. i think i've realized that at this stage of my life, i'm better off being single. dun get me wrong, for those of u in a realtionship or heading into a relatinship, i wish u all the best, i really do and if i can help u in any way, just ask ^_^ . i just think over the past while, i've proved to myslef that i'm in no shape for a relationship. my mind goes all wacky and the stress builds. and really, is there a need for all the stress? why put myself thru that if i'm not even sure if i want anything to happen? meh!~ haha... i'm really learning that i'm rite where GOd wants me to be! and i'm SURE LUVIN IT! there's no better place to be than rite where He wants u to be. After all, EVERY DAY IS A BLESSED DAY! why???

1. Because GOd is watching over me! YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!
a) when i am hurt, Jessus will settle the score.
b) when i am wounded, Jesus will soothe my wounds.
c) when i am lonely, Jesus will satisfy my needs.
i) with hope
ii) with luv
iii) with joy

2. Because Heaven is waiting for me!!! i can't wait!!!
a) when i am in doubt, Jesus will remind me of His promise.
b) when i am in suffering, Jesus will restore me to His presence.
c) when i am lost, Jesus will return me to His person.

Man, i wish all my frenz have this relationship with my God!