Monday, June 07, 2004

o_O rite now..i'm on the verge of tears... my heart inside is so heavy... the more i think about Andrea, i know the tears are gonna come out. God, rite now, i'm crying out to u. Lord, i know she is sooooo unbelievably far from u and the things she said tonite hurt me deeply, but i know that it hurts you way deeper. God, show me what i can do. both my parents and i really need your guidance. Lord, i'm so worried about her rite now... i know that everything is in your hands, but i still feel so unhappy. Lord, i know that you will never let go of her, and i pray that she will be able to see You for who you are, not some entity my parents or her teachers have told her to believe, that she'll believe for herself and really have that personal relaitonship with you Lord. most of all, i ask that you'll change her heart Lord... i dont' know exactly what's the center of her life rite now, but it's definitely not You GOd. it pains me so much to see her everyday falling farther and farther away from your presence. i know there's only so much outisde ppl (me, family, friends, teachers) can do for her b/c it's really between You and her. Lord, i just pray that she'll find her way back to you. i don't know when this will happen, of coz i want it tob e sooner rather than later..but it's in Your time, not mine. God, i love her so much...