Wednesday, November 24, 2004

6:15 a.m. yup..that's rite... 6:15 am..that's when i got up this morning =P

reason? yeah..there must have been a pretty good reason for me to wake up that early~ prayer meeting!!! hehe... and i got a ride there ^_^... hmmm.... i think even 1 month ago...if someone had told me that there was a 7:15 prayer meeting at SLC i would automatically think NO. there is no way i'm getting up that early for prayer meeting... somehow...along the way, something changed... as i've mentioned earlier in a post...i've really discovered the power of prayer this term... but that wasn't enough to motivate me to go to any of the ccf prayer meetings...

a couple of weeks ago, i was talking to Ricky... and he really challenged me to pray for my fellowship, specifically ccf...and he said something that i'll never forget: "every [fellowship] group need a prayer warrior" and he challenged me to become that person... rite after he said that, i was thinking..no way!! me? eeek..i'm the girl that falls asleep during her bedtime prayers on numerous occasions... then ricky also said: "we really believe that "how our prayer meets are, that reflects how our general meets really are or a certain groups prayer meeting indicates the condition of that group".... that really got me thinking... and the more i thought about it... the more ashamed i felt that i actually hadn't prayed much for ccf at all...i mean... i pray a lot for my cell group Stepping Stones (and God has really done some AMAZING stuff here :P ) but with respect to ccf as a whole....none... zippo.... i guess this was God's way of telling me that i needed to get off my lazie butt and start praying!!

so... about 1 week after that conversation... someone asked me to go to prayer meeting for the first time..... me being stupid...i again automatically kinda wrote off the thought with excuses such as academic busyness... yeah...not good..and as i was talking to betty about how i didnt' really wanna go but i felt bad for not going cuz i should go to prayer meeting...she gave me some very good advice: pray about whether u should go or not... so i did...and God firmly placed in my mind the conversation i had with Ricky... so that was it... i HAD to go and i knew that if i didnt' go, that would be very very disobedient.. so off i went...

it was an amazing experience...the first prayer meeting that i had gone to in waterloo... it was truly so awesome... the focus for the nite was on adversity...and how we could come to the point of asking GOd to give us trials to change and shape us into becoming the people He intends... that was really a humbling experience....

nehoos..back to this morning.... yeah... so anna, alex, and i were in a group cuz we all came late =P and I really felt God's presence was with us... and guess what the focus was on? praying for our fellowship!!!!!! ^_^ hehe..God's so cool man!!! it's so encouraging to see fellow bros and sis's in Christ so dedicated to God~ yup yup...so about 8:30ish i went to Renison for some lovely breakfast!!! ahhh....i miss sooo much the yummie renison breakfasts (scrambled eggs, hash bronws, and egg over easy) hehe... thx!!! class... lunch that i made for frenz~~ and by the end of my classes...i wasnt' even that tired... thanks GOd!!! hehe.... thx for giving me strengh throughout the rest of the day...and i sit here now after dinner jsut pondering how great You are and how much You love me... hehe... ME ---> :D