Self Characteristics: - i have great difficulties saying things to "stick up for my rights" in times where i don't want to offend others or i feel like i'm too demanding - i like to vent online; many times, i even prefer to vent online to verbally venting - when i vent verbally, the rate at which i speak can increase two-fold or even three-fold if i'm really agitated - for things, usually i just let them go.. but i guess if they recur over and over again, things add up and it's at this time, when i know i need to say smthg. - when i do say smthg, i am very careful to say things nicely, not to offend the other person.
Thoughts in my brain when venting: - a constant interaction between faith and trust in God and the crappy situation at hand. - i will vent because i need to get it all out - as a background underlying my ventage, i have the sure foundation of Christ there as well. - I know that God is in control and that He works for the good of those who love Him - I know that God is omnipotent and He hears all of our prayers - I know i will accept whatever He gives me and will try to honour Him in all circumstances. - so as a step to gaining clarity and peace, I need to vent... and once that's done, God constantly reassures me of His presence in my life and He gives me understanding. - He takes out the worry and replaces it with the surety of unbreakable faith and trust in my God and Saviour.
am i bottler? i don't really think so. People will know when things bother me. It's not hard to tell. I don't try hard to hide it; there's no reason to. That being said, don't be scared off by my venting. All i ask is for a listening ear, one who understands. Thank you for sticking up with me. God bless you all for caring for me.