Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Evil vs. Love....

i've been taking these 2 DE courses this term: RS100L Evil and RS100M Love and Friendship... hahah quite the two contrasting courses i'ld say... and i think... it's these psychology and religious study courses which really make me aware of how depraved we humans are... and how much we need to be infused with God's love in us and spread that to whoever we get a chance to...

so i was doing my normal read up of google news...and i stumbled upon this article


in short, it talks about this Cdn. ex-United Nations head who was sent over to Rwanda during the times of the ethnic genocide in 1994. This is the first time this Cdn will testify in court and attest to the dehumanizing crimes he witnessed to firsthand...

i was reading this article... and i was overcome with these feelings in which i can't really even grasp... but i can try =)

so first off... i've finished all the lectures for the Evil course... and i've learnt about capital punishment, the Holocaust, the Spaniards Invasion, inequality and pain inflicted upon the poor and those of different ethnicity in the name of "God"... etc... and as i read this article, i am reminded of how evil we human beings can really be... how we can be so hateful... and not even that, but misuse the creativity God has given us to create weapons of mass destruction, to create new ways of killing people... i'm reminded of our inward sinful nature that beckons to us and tries to convince us that we are better than others... the whole "us" vs. "them" mentality... as opposed to the "we" mentality of equality amongst all of His creation...

what drives us? what drove these Hutu Rwandans to kill these Tutsi Rwandans? hate? fear? anger? insecurity? abusive power? fun? selfishness? contempt? grudges?

altho this massive atrocity occurred over a decade ago, the problem does not dissipate ... the problem remains in the fact that history has proven that we humans are driven towards using violence as a means of solving conflict with each other... we [in the general sense] actively engage in hate crimes against each other... and what about us Cdn or US civilians to sit in our comfy chairs at home listening to the news? we sit there... and we kinda stare in horror at what goes on in other parts of the "lesser-known" world to us... or better yet, we choose to change the channel from the daily news at 7 to our favourite new sitcom or drama series....

this... attitude.... this.... insensitivity.... this thinking that those atrocities are so far away from my own life... dare i say... apathy?

not judging... i only can lay claim to these criticism to myself...cuz i admit, I've done it before so many times... or how about even the times i choose to go on Facebook instead of catching up on the news... and praying for them...

neways... the only word that comes up to my mind is... URGENCY.

God desperately wants me to be praying for the hurt, the less fortunate, the poor, the struggling, the abused, the neglected, the LOST ... the world is so much larger than just AFM, my job, my work and study peers, my friends, CCF, my immediate family, my extended family...
haha...yeah...so better get on it =) social justice in the name of God.