Monday, April 02, 2007

I like silence; simplicity

silence is golden =) simplicity is rewarding =)

silence... breathe.... silence... still

i like mellow soft slow music... i like acoustic music too...i like music that is acapella... i enjoy doing nothing.. i enjoy being by myself... i enjoy reading, thinking, singing, listening to music... reflecting, praying...

i also...

enjoy laughter, upbeat music, birds chirping, the sound of spring, christmas music, the soft rumble of voices mushed together, happy people, content people, relaxed people

i think...

when my verbal abilities fade, people can read facial expressions... people can see othe'rs eyes, other's tears, other's unspoken deliberate "words"

i think all my life, i've been taught many lessons...

lesson: work hard in all you do = be the best you can be, sacrifice
lesson: persevere = you suck now, try harder
lesson: be knowledgable = you dont' know enough about this, don't be ignorant
lesson: be responsible = be clean, be tidy, be prompt, be stewardly
lesson: take care of others = talk with them, spend time with them, take them out to eat
lesson: respect me = listen to me, talk to me, dont' talk to me, say smthg, dont' say smthg
lesson: learn from role models = adopt my principles, beliefs, values, way of living, habits
lesson: have a heart of service = do things, unasked and do not expect appreciation
lesson: be a role model = you have to be a better person first, you have to be capable first

reverse psychology?

sometimes, cognition is really dangerous...

you jsut have to fight it with the truth... sometimes i get sucked into it... sometmes my emotions overflood reason, sometimes my tears jsut come without me undersatnding it.... haha but yes, not everything can be explained by human logic can it? of course not =)

sometimes i bottle away my emotions because i am so accustomed to keeping everythign inside.. but i'ld say within the past 4 months, i'm unable to do so anymore..or at least, to a lesser extent..it's a good thing =) my brain forces me to cry it out and i nkow tha tmy emotions wnat to be let out...but my logic doens' allow me to do so... it's what happens when you grow up in a very conservative traditional chinese envionrment such as the one i grew up in.. save face, dont show emotion, be strong... bla bla bla.. screw that, i'm just goin to be as emotional as i want to be =)


my sister has instructed me to proclaim that it'sher birthday on sunday hahahah 15th birthday

ewww..she just kissed me...

and once again, up and running =) praise God