Sunday, February 11, 2007


not mine... but the book =) it's so eye-opening...i don't know how else i can describe it...

over the past few weeks, i've been attending the "revelations" sunday school class taught by this doctorate theology guy and it's been a blessing to be able to learn about all these different trains of thought about eschatology as well as gain some understanding about common terms in revelations... and really catch a glimpse of some of the very symbolic meaning in the text.

haha... so it's 2 days in a row that i've been called "a typical accountant" hahah.. once yesterday by my cousin who commented how i was very conservative and my style of clothing reflected this traditional part of me... the other time was today by roy, my co-counsellor for agape... haha he commented on my accountant personality as he noticed how i was rapidly trying to copy down and "document" everything that came out of the sunday school teacher's mouth..haha i cna't refute that for sure... today i was trying to write down all these different trains of thought that were so intriguing =)

again, i only have God to thank and praise... it has been my prayer that over these months in toronto when i'm on workterm that i can be challenged and continually trained up in knowledge and in truth and gain a better understanding of all the complexities surrounding some hard doctirnes of the faith =) i remember it was only a few weeks ago when i was complaining to a friend and mentioning how it felt like things weren't partiuclarly challenging here in rhccc and it felt like things were usually spoon-fed... well i am now sitting here very extremely grateful for the opporutnity to learn more about revelations...

i can't help but wonder... am i ready? without even taking into account which stream of the great tribulation belief i hold... cuz it doesnt' really matter in the end... and with my mind being open to the fact that all believers may not be raptured before the Great Tribulation begins... that brings about a lot of emotions... in those times, it really will be like hell on earth... reading and learning about it... the seals, the trumpets, the horsemen, the beasts, the witnesses... it's really going to be so much suffering... but this suffering has such great meaning... again, i am reminded of the urgency with which we are to proclaim the good news of Christ... irregardless of your beliefs about the elected, the chosen, the predestined.... bottom line, we don't know who those are... only God does... so i gotta treat everyone with the same amount of urgency and truly show them God's love...

another interesting point someone mentioned in class today... God will protect His people during the Great Tribulation.. so does that mean He will provide spiritual protection, physical protection, or both for His saints? hmmm... very interesting to chew on... in the end, i think it's more of a spiritual protection for us...

i think something that is very hard for me personally to internalize is the fact that there will be very good friends and certain family members that may not be rejoicing with me in heaven at the time of Christ's return... i'm not sure what it is... maybe it's something about me being a human... i can't quite understand and even imagine what life is like without seeing these people ever.... and knowing that there is a possibility that there'll be eternal damnation.... like in my mind, i have always known this to be true... but it hink that because i have lived on earth for 21 years, i have not known any other way of living life... i don't know what it's like not to see them... and many ways, i really think i take for granted the time i have left to spread the Gospel... i don't know how long i'm going to live... i could die today, tmr, 60 years from now... and when i stand at the gates of heaven, will i hear "well done, my good and faithful servant?" will my life here on earth have reflected the glorious nature of God?

i honestly think that i need to be reminded of this truth every single day of my walk with God...

it brings more perspective to my relaitonship with God... oftentimes, i find my faith is in some ways secluded to the things that are important to me... my family, friends, fellowship, service, ministries, etc... i only think of the spiritual battles within these various areas of my life... and i forget that there is so much spiritual warfare raging in the universe... the world is gettin darker and darker and i cant help but feel like we as believers need to make the most of our lives and make a deep impact on this dark world.... i really look forward to Christ's Return =D =D