"In season and out of season, witness for the Saviour. if it happens that, for Christ's sake and the Gospel's sake, you must endure suffering in any form, do not shrink from it, but rejoice in the honour thus conferred on you, that you are counted worthy to suffer with your Lord. Rejoice also in this: your suffering, losses, and persecution will be a platform from which you can witness for Christ Jesus even more vigorously, and with greater power. Study your great Exemplar, and be filled with His Spirit. Remember that you need much teaching, much upholding, much grace, and much humility, if your witnessing is to be to your Master's glory."
- Amen.
well i guess the past few days have definitley been "out of season" as Spurgeon deems it... irregardless, i have to witness for the Saviour and not let stress get to me.. i guess all the crap from school is a platform from which i can witness for JC even more vigorously and with greater power... i've got to keep that in mind... this devotions also reminded me that i need to study the Greatest Example -- Jesus Christ... i need to spend more time learning more about Him, his humility, his grace, his mercy, his power; i yearn to be filled with the Spirit.. i'm so thankful to God for giving me the Holy Spirit to help guide me and lead me in the way i shoudl go... to convict me of my sin... to speak truth to me...
i need much teaching... much upholding.. much grace... much humility...
i surrender myself to My Saviour, my King...
Praise the Lord O my soul, His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever His faithfulness continues throughout all generations.