Friday, June 16, 2006

Stirring up a Passion

all term, i've had this rather unsettling feeling about ccf... and as the term progressed, this unsettling feeling enlarged. it wasn't until earlier this past week that i realized that i haven't been very involved with ccf much this term at all... other than women's cell (which is separate from friday nite ccf activities)... i haven't been quite mentally there all the time on friday nites... mainly due to exhaustion from having just written a midterm prior to ccf... i rarely try to make time to meet up with ppl anymore... i don't try to actively engage in conversation with new ppl at ccf or ppl i haven't talked to in awhile... i've only gone to one or two prayer meetings all term.. i've been doing a lot of non-ccf stuff this term and have really been blessed by God in those areas... yeah... the list goes on =P to sum it up, there was a mixture of laziness, busyness, tiredness, and re-prioritizing.

that being said, God's given me opportunities this week amidst a crazy school schedule to talk to various ppl of all different age groups about ccf (ranging from frosh to grads)... it's good to know that i'm not alone in these thoughts...

to quote a friend, "when we gather, we bring matches together... but when you guys gathered, you guys brought torches"

to a certain extent, this statement my friend made summarizes the thoughts i've been having recently... i worry about the spiritual health of our fellowship... it's changed a lot over the past 3-4 years i've been here... it's not only the people, since grads leave every year... but the general community as a whole is strikingly different. Our current individual personalities, gifts, abilities, and passions are different. it's not a bad thing =P but it means that we're gonna have to find different ways of establishing the God-given community ccf once was.

we must continue to find ways of challenging each other on friday nites, outside of friday nites... and learn to go beyond the spoon-fed questions asked on friday nites... we've gotta be able to rebuke our brothers and sisters and be rebuked as well... we've gotta be able to talk about deep and meaningful conversations with those outside of our "circle" of ccf friends... we've gotta be able to come to our community and be edified through sharing our walks of life together... we've gotta be able to welcome everyone into this community and be acceptive of everyone's faults and weaknesses; and be at peace with each other... we've gotta strip down our negative stereotypes of ppl in the fellowship and step out and encourage them to serve and back each other up.... we've gotta be brave enough to voice our opinions about this fellowship, even if it means that we've gotta step on some ppl's toes... we've gotta be able to humbly serve each other, especially in the small and insignificant things... we've gotta bring back the unquenchable joy (which is distinctly different than happiness) we have in our Saviour... let's allow the praises in our hearts shine through us and worship God together.

if there's one thing i can do, that is pray . unceasingly. i implore you to do the same... nothing will happen if the people in this ccf community are not compelled to pray for our spiritual health.

i've been learning to let go of ccf this term... gonna be 4A this fall... with a heaviest courseload of accounting courses i've ever had... and i feel God calling me to other ministries... i do not feel called to active leadership in ccf anymore... but God-willing, I really pray that God will give me the perseverance to do what a friend told me 2 years ago --> to be a prayer warrior for ccf.

i pray in faith that when God calls each member of ccf to serve in their invaluable role, that you would be obedient. especially the 2nd and 3rd year -to-be's (this fall), you guys are an integral unit of this body of Christ.


Consuming Fire - Tim Hughes

Verse 1:
There must be more than this
oh breath of God come breath within
There must be more than this
Spirit of God we wait for you
Fill us anew we pray
Fill us anew we pray

Consuming Fire
Fan into flame
a passion for your name
Spirit of God
fall in this place
Lord have ur way
Lord have ur way
with us

Verse 2:
Come like a rushing wind
Fill us with power from on high
Now set the captives free
leave us abandoned to your praise
Lord let your glory fall
Lord let your glory fall

Stir up in our hearts Lord
A Passion for Your Name (repeat)

~ Amen.