i wonder what God has in store for me next term... there's gonna be some tough decisions that will have to be made soonish... well whenever God decides to reveal His plan to me =)
sometimes i feel like i'm stuck inbetween two worlds... the modern corporate society vs. what seems to be the small-town pace of life...
decisions regarding my future career aspirations... and the steps i'll have to take now to get there... ugh... the aggressiveness and competitivenss goes against my personality...
because of what I believe in, i have different priorities than what other ppl may have... but at the same time, we're called to be good stewards of our time and the gifts and abilities that God has given us... sometimes it makes me wonder if i'm really being a good steward of anything accounting related...
i've come to realize that i really don't like being pushed to do things... i usually like to take my sweet time doing things.. this relates to most areas of my life... sometimes it works out well, sometimes not so well...
it's almost like reverse psychology..the more ppl push me to do things..the less likely it is that i'll get it done soon or ever... i think that ppl push me to achieve more academically/career-wise a lot... i know they really mean the best for me... but i suppose i dont' place as high an emphasis on "succeeding" becuase i don't think that career success will make me very happy and satisfied in life...
at the same time, that doens't mean that i can jsut kinda bum around all thruout uni and jsut get enough marks to pass.. nor does it mean that i shouodln't set some goals for myself...
i do have hopes and dreams in life... but i estimate that about 90% of them have nothing to do with a future job at all... i guess it makes up for others looking down upon me b/c it appears to them like i have no drive to succeed.
let me share some of my hope and dreams... perhaps they'll come a reality later on in life...
1. family issues will disappear. healing will come...
2. that andrea will really grow and mature into a strong woman of God ^_^
3. that my non-believing friends and family can come to know Him personally as their Saviour and Lord.... and for my buddies who seem to be slipping away from the faith to rediscover Christ in their lives...
4. that all the people i talk to now will be able ot lift their burdens and fears to God and really overcome whatever life throws at them with the armour of God... in addition, that they will be able to discover waht it means to have joy in their suffering.
5. that the people i talk to now will be able to boldly proclaim their own testimonies to others around them...
6. that in my future work place, i'll be able to shine brightly for God and always be ethical in all accounting decisions... and really love and care for the peopel that God will place in my life...
7. that i'll live life sensitive to God's Spirit everyday and in complete surrender to His will. I wanna be challenged in life... and i'm sure i will be =P
8. waiting to spend eternity up there w/ God.
=) that's just some of them...
hehe there are always things to look forward to... and i'll be rejoicing so much if these things become reality... but even now when it seems like life is so far away from my hopes and dreams... God's name will still be praised =) let's take the focus off ourselves and onto Him.