Wednesday, January 25, 2006

it's been awhile :) i'm finally back to my old normal self! DRUM ROLL PLZ... --> i got my normal voice back, no more deep low manly voice... the coughing has subsided (minimal coughs here and there) ... and i'm back to my normal sleeping routine as well... thanks for all your prayers when i was so sick ^_^

for those of you who ask me how work is... lol... work is work... crazy, entertaining at times, good times w/ ping pong, some scary and intimidating ppl, challenging work, tight schedules with so much work to do, but... on the other hand...i acutally feel somewhat smarter than i did last term...not as lost as last coop work term :) hehe so that's a great thing! my $5800 tuition/term actually helps... good to know it's not completely goin to waste...

for those of you who ask me how winter retreat was? hmmm... words cant' really describe it. i'll just say God blessed us with His presence there that weekend... He spoke to our hearts and filled us with unity and community.... umm i don't really feel like saying much else... i think that if one single event centres around so much hype then it can really lose its focus... experiencing God is a daily gift... worshipping GOd is a lifetime.


so i'm currently seeking God... it makes me think... often we are so worried about which actions to take in our respective paths of life that we focus solely on seeking God's will, and not much else... whatever happened to seeking God for who He is? i'm not saying that we shoudln't seek God's will for our lives...but that is not all we should be seeking... whatever happened to longing to deepen our understanding of our Father, of knowing more of who this God we worship truly is? on the other hand, are we seeking for God's blessings instead of seeking God first and foremost? are we seeking the "benefits" of serving such a powerful God instead of offering ourselves up to Him as living sacrifices? what does it mean to seek God's face? we sing it in songs, we pray it in prayers, we encourage others to do so.... i wonder what ppl mean when they say that.... i dunno if this even makes any sense... its kinda hard to put into words.. lol jumbled thoughts = jumbled words =)

=P tons of prayer requests... wrt personal, friends, family, fellowship, church, global.... if u read this, plz try to bug me about my prayer journal... it's been on and off for the past while... need to get back on track.... thanks for encouraging me johnny.. prayers are the best way bros and sises (spelling looks funky) can support each other... i'm really grateful to have so many buddies who pray for me even when i cannot be the most open about my pryaer requests...


yesterday nite, i scoped my mom's Christian literature library... she loves to read those books... as i was looking thru them, she was urging me to read some she had recently read... and i was amazed at the passion God has given my mother... for prayer, to raise her children to be more godly, for supporting her friends... and over the past few weeks some ppl have tlaked to me at church about how they respect my mother... and how hospitable my parnets are... it's pretty cool... i haven't spoken to my parents friends in awhile... haha... i joke w/ tim and andrea about how "popular" our parents are... and in reality... i can see that God is using my parents to bless others... it's tres cool! :P

but nehoos..back to the books... i picked out 2 books to read over the next little while... 1) How to listen to God by Charles Stanley and 2) THe Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges... i havent' heard of either the books... but they seem to be interesting reads... i started the 2nd one yesterday... i'm hooked... it's so good... the first chapter's only like 6 pages...but it's sooo amazing... lots to think about... Bridge's definition of godliness is ---> devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to Him... this devotion is an attitude toward God composing of 3 elements (fear of God, love of God, and desire for God)... it's easy to read the book... but a lot to digest... in application... good thing the chapters are short =P i should try to read the book before i take my cough medicine... or else in 30 mins, i'll be out :)


decisions: c? f? r?