sitting in church service this morning, so many thoughts entered my head... life is so intricately woven. i sat there thinking about all that my life encompassed rite now... (thoughts about evangelism, looking for a mentor, being home, dealing with home, spiritual maturity in others and in myself, ccf, visions, committee, being older, various prayer requests, making decisions based on God's callings, living a life of worship).... yeah... each one of those things aforementioned i could write tonz about... but i won't =P haha don't think i'ld ever finish it....
despite thinking about all these things, sometimes i forget a lot of important things in my life... - i forget that God has blessed me with the Holy Spirit living inside of me. - i forget to thank God for the bountiful blessings He has bestowed upon me - i forget that He places each person in my life for a purpose. - i forget to seek God in each and every decision i make...big or small... - i forget to ask for forgiveness and repent for all my sins - i forget that God works in mysterious ways, ways in which we cannot comprehend... and sometimes, there's no use in trying...but believe and have faith in our Lord and Saviour - i forget that so many people my life and on this earth have yet to come to realize the glory of our Lord. - i forget that i am not my own, but i am Yours. - i forget that there is a lot of suffering aside from my own life.... that we are all groaning in this present creation in expectation of the coming of our Lord. - i forget the lawlessness of our society - i forget that i am called to a life of holiness, set apart by God to be sanctified and justified - i forget that love covers a multitude of wrongs - i forget that He is the potter and i am the clay... He will mold me and use me as He wills. * and there's just so much more that i forget....
why are we all so plagued by our forgetfulness... ignorance... selfishness? these are some of the things i forget...and i'm sure you have yours too...
why am i not more mindful? maybe this is an ideal... something which we cannot reach... but should that stop us from trying? besides, who places these ideals in our lives? are we not trying to follow the author and perfector of our faith?
i've never ever in my life had new year's resolutions or plans....but i guess i do have one this year...
1. Be Baptized in 2006... most likely in my next term in loo -- thanks to the various people who have encouraged me since high school to be obedient to God's call to baptism despite the circumstances i was in these past couple of years. ^_^ for those of u who know me now, keep me to it!
---- edit @ 1:27 a.m.
i can't stand bad tempers --> unfair treatment, unnecessary outbursts, blatant overreactions. argh.... o_O it really bugs the heck outta me.
again. love covers a multitude of all wrongs... must remember.......