Monday, November 21, 2005

blog topic: Give Thanks

as some of you know, this past week and a half have been pretty crazie :D hehe..... loads of academic stuff piling rite before finals hit.... i haven't been talking with a lot of people this past week... =P so..here's my list of thankful items:

1. thankful for family -- my mommy packed soooo much yummy food and goodies and candy for me and tim.... one of tim's friends brought it up on saturday and it just really made my day ^_^ well..partly cuz i won't need to cook in awhile HEHE... and also... b/c my mommy was so sweet and wrote me an encouragement card... *awwww* hehe..she's so COOL :D totally made my day... it's such a blessing to know that you constantly have people praying for you...

2. thankful for accountability group -- ^_^ thanks for your genuine care and prayers this term... i thank you for your vulnerability... corporate prayer is so POWERFUL...
"a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised..." and so I praise God for your dedication in becoming humble women of God.

3. thankful for frosh cell -- yeah~~~~ what can i say? but PRAISE THE LORD~!!!! hehe..each friendship in frosh cell is such a blessing!! hehe... it's amazing to see frosh with so much passion and yearning to know GOd deeper... and to seek Him..and not only that, but frosh who take the initiative and are obedient to God's calling to them... may the Lord bless each of you always :D and also... special thanks to the 3 other very dedicated frosh co-leaders...

4. thankful for people -- yup...what a broad category..but if i really did go and thank each and every one of you cool people...my blog would be soooooo long... :D hehe..so sorry to lump all of you together... but thank you for your influence in my life... thankyou for your prayers and your hospitality...thankyou for your FOOD (hehe).... thankyou for your hard work in group projects.... thankyou for asking how i'm doing and for keeping up with me... thankyou for challenging me to be more godly.... thankyou for encouraging me.... thankyou for meeting up wtih me... thankyou for your friendship....thankyou for being yourselves....thankyou for sharing your lives with me...

5. thankful for trials -- wierd one eh? but not really... i thank the Lord for trials... it is in these times when I get to know my Father in Heaven so much deeper... He is my source of strength, hope, and love. He is the reason that i live. thankyou for continually revealing Yourself to me in many new and different ways..thankyou for pruning me... thankyou for giving me opportunities to grow... thankyou for slapping me silly (not literally) when i stray and do not worship you... thankyou for healing my wounds.... thankyou for renewing me daily... thankyou for the gift of salvation...

6. thankful for school -- yes school.. altho school makes me so physically weak at times.... thanks...i guess it builds perseverance and strength... and also..well...i guess i learn more about accounting too~! oh whoopi... (note the sarcasim here =P ) but yeah...thankyou for the gift of knowledge.

7. thankful for the Sabbath (Nov. 20, 2005) -- yeah..after 5 days straight of like 8+ hrs of projects, essays, and cases.... i promised GOd that I would not do anything academic yesterday...it was actually the first time that i've actually "taken a Sabbath"... it was so spirtually renewing.... some one on one time with just me and God... SOOOOO GOOOD!!! prayer, devos, reading Bible and books.... and God blessed me with His presence... i'm thankful that God allows me time to meditate and reflect with Him and just BE with Him... :D :D...

8. thankful for waterloo: my home away from home -- yeah... having a really nice and cozy place to live... a place i can call home... hehe..a REALLY comfy bed :P and warm too =P and... well..that includes all you waterloo ppl :P

** this list does not nearly reflect everything that i'm thankful for... there is so much in my life that i'm grateful for... what are YOU thankful for??