Monday, August 22, 2005

Wow..what a day =P get ready...this is gonna be one fun LONG blog :D

hmmm... went to rhccc yesterday morning... it was pretty touching --> pastor mark's final sermon here at rhccc... the topic of the sermon was dealing with life's trials... here are the 4 points he made:

* Spiritual Victory in Each of Life's Trials*
1. no self-pity
2. admit failure and root out pride
3. do not act out of anger or fear
4. seize the opportunity to grow in faith and love.

as i sat in the sermon yesterday morning... i have to admit that i was somewhat skeptical of these 4 steps... until I heard his testimony... it is one thing to have these words preached to you and written on a church bulletin and it is another thing to actually live it out... it's kinda bad....i find myself almost getting desensitized to certain messages.... why is it that some sermons do not make me think anymore? hmm.... i start thinking now and what stuck in my mind just now is actually preparing your heart each sunday or sat nite whatever for church the next day. I realized that I did not prepare my heart for yesterday morning's service... i forgot to ask God to settle my heart before Him... instead, i jsut kinda went.... but God works in amazing ways anyways... He spoke to me through Pastor Mark's life testimony... after hearing of the loss of his baby son...i kept thinking while sitting in my pew, what right to I have to ever complain about my issues... they seem retarded compared to others.... it kinda makes me forget about mine and really focus on helping out others if and wherever GOd wants...

onto the second sermon of the day :) --> Freedomize in Downtown Toronto..

haha..i had unknowingly passed by the Freedomzie church earlier this week with some other friends and I had commented that it was a pretty church...little did I know that I would personally venture into those church doors the coming sunday... needless to say, I truly did feel God's presence at Freedomize again. the topic was about the Christian family... and already in my head, i was thinking 'oh great... am i gonna feel really bad durin this service like previous ones pertaining to a somewhat similar topic?' Thank God...i really do marvel at how he works... The preacher brought to light certain aspects of the Christian family that I had not previous thought of before...it was great :) here's some tidbits: taken from Psalsms 128: 3-4
- The definition and purpose of family is shaped by popculture whose agenda is not to glorify God. We are to go to war agianst any ungodly thoughts that disrupt God's definition set out in the Bible.
- WIFE: why is our culture ruining the happy image of having large families? Why do people want less kids now? Is it because of their selfishness? their devotion to their careers? Are we destroying a godly heritage? Women, wives need to be cultivated, activated, and sustained by the Spirit through the man... this directly correlates with a Christian woman's happiness.... (btw...if any of this is confusing, feel free to ask me..this is just more of a reminder for me.. in the far future of coz =P ) Most Christian experiences at home flows through the woman... hence, do not become drained as a wife and mother.
- i'm too lazie now to write more.. o_O


good times chillin in DT..just walking around..and i mean ALL OVER downtown :) haha... such a good day to walk... over to Harbourtfront (*Pretty*) and past Skydome (not roger's centre), Aire Canada, the CA head office (SOOO COOL) ... clubbin district, Queen St, a bit of China town... nice weather for a lovely walk =P


frosh bbq... good times... came late so i didn't get as much a chance to meet all the new frosh...no worriez... there's a whole 2 more years for that =P good talks at the bbq and at home afterwards too...

** 2 Corinthians 4: 7 - 12 **

7But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. 12So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.

i do not doubt that God is working in all of us. I can see it. I can feel it. Do not lose hope in those around you.