it's been a pretty tough week... 3 midterms... rite now, 2 down... just intermediate financial to go... so... compared to a couple of weeks ago, my physical body is regaining strength again =P hehe..and i am trying to put more effort into goin down to the gym downstairs more often or actually get outta this apt. and go have a jog :) thanks for your prayers... i didn't even need to NAP at all this week!!! surprising considering for the past 3 weeks, i've napped practically every single weekday for at least 1 hr...
rite now... i guess i'm just feelin a bit mentally exhausted... for the past couple of days, my mind will not concentrate hard enough to let me study past 10:30... oh well....
so this term, i've gone home for a total of 4x~~ this is a lot compared to my grand total of 1 last term in loo... i dunno what it is..but everytime after i come back to loo, i always feel kinda homesick... some people suggested that it's b/c i'm living alone this term...but i know it's not that... the first couple days back in loo after the canada day long weekend has been tough... and the thing that makes it worse this time is that i know i wont' be able to go back until after exams... booooo.... u mite be thinking that there's at least another 4 - 5 weeks left, still plenty of time to go home... it's not as simple as that... having so many commitments in waterloo sometimes takes a toll on you... school is the first and foremost... then comes all the other lovely stuff... i'm not feeling "burnt out" as this post may sound like...but rather just kinda anxious to have this term finish... i don't think i've ever felt this way before in my previous terms here in loo... it's rather odd...
where is God in all of this? *lol* He's here... very present..constantly teaching me stuff... recently... patience + understanding and as always, to never give up on prayer.