Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Life~~~ :)

i think everybody goes through their own struggles all the time... and the more i hear about them, the more i feel compelled to pray for them and just try to help them in whatever way I can... the more i get to know those in my realm of influence, the more i see God revealing the ministry He intends for me... sometimes you dont' have to look too far in order to find what God is calling you to do... this term's gonna be pretty crazie... loaded school schedule, ASA, CCF, and my commitments to my family and close friends... sounds like a lot eh? =P and i'm really thankful that i've got those people out there that are looking out for me and making sure that i don't get overwhelmed.. but amidst the apparent "busyness" of life..... it all seems pretty simple to me... just do what God tells you to do... no quesitons asked... this has definitely been something that i've been learning... i jsut gotta persevere and rely on Him for i can do nothing apart from God.

it seems to me that recently, God has been trying to tell me how to love my immediate family the way God loves me... and to try to bring some aspects of the relationship i have wtih my Father into my relationships with my family...

He keeps tuggin and my heart..over and over again.... it feels like my heart breaks repeatedly as we go thru our struggles... the tears i've shed are not tears of anger or depression...but rather tears of compassion... compassion that continually breaks my heart to learn to love even more... God it's so hard.... oh so hard to face the present situations sometimes... but I feel you with me... so it is my prayer that in our sufferings, that Your name be glorified... mold our hearts and attitudes to be like yours Father...

wow..... even as i type this now, i can almost feel the tears coming... my heart breaking....

for those of you reading this, all i ask is that you keep me and my family in your prayers.... i feel we're constantly under spiritual attack... pray that He will strengthen us and that we would draw near to Him... specifically me and my sister...

when people ask what's wrong, i thank you for your concern...really, you all have shone me God's love and i'm sorry if i'm unable to reveal to you guyz the full extent of the situation... please accept it and just pray... that's all i need, not an ear to listen, but a heart to pray... thankyou.