now that i work 5 days a week, 8 hrs a day, most of my time is spent either with my work colleagues or my family. i actually really enjoy working a lot and so i'll start this blog talkign about my work.
i decided to blog about my work because a lot of ppl ask me how work is. to be honest, i dun really like anwering questions as to whether i like my work or not or what i do @ work. it's not that i dont' want to tell people, but i'm not exactly sure what to tell people when they ask me about my work. so... this is for you guyz.
I actually really enjoy working @ Orlando Corporations. It's not because the work itself is overly exciting or intriguing, but rather, i enjoy work because of the relationships i made there. i realized that i can be very very shy still when talking to people i dont' know in a completely new setting. hehe, that shyness is still very much a part of me, even though you may not see it. there's always going to be people in your life that you meet that will be easier to talk to than others, but does that mean you shouldn't make just as much an effort to get to know the people who are harder to start a converstaion with? i don't think so, but i find myself doing that at work. because i know what it feels like to be left out, i usually go and tlak to those people first. i just wanna make them feel extra welcome. but when i'm that newcomer..this is a little bit different. i find that i almost change into a differnet person until i find my comfort zone again. and i hate doing that...sometimes it feels like i'm two different people, but i know i'm not. hmmmm...this is definitely something i'll have to work on.
nehoo...i'm getting a bit off topic, meh~ back to the people at work. i'm really thankful that i've gotten to know so many new friends at work...they range from mid 20's to people my parent's age. I dont' know exactly why, but i really find that i can identify with my chinese colleagues more.. this happens @ waterloo also, but i thought it was just because there were so many chinese ppl there, but i guess not, cuz it happens at work too. i'm not trying to be discriminative or anyting like that, but it's just easier for some wierd reason for me to go up and tlak to chinese people. i feel a bit more at ease and the conversation topics are somewhat different. this isnt' to say that i havne't made some close friendships wtih the non-chinese workers, i have... but i dunno... it's really odd. i think i need to break that mold. i dont' want this to become a habit.
Newayz... at work, surprisingly, i really enjoy talking to people my mom's age or people wtih kids. i find that they are extremely different from my own mom and parents... different in the way they were brought up, in the way they bring up their own kids, in their lifestyle, mannerisms, beliefs. I really learn a lot about life itself just from talking to these people. It's funny, but i think i understand why my parnets think the way they do from talking to these mothers. haha, i can rant to these frioends about how i might think my parnets are being unfair and i get to catch a glimpse of things from their own perspective..haha, witout actually talking to my own parents about it =P I think that sometimes, my own family tends to be a little bit more on the strict strict Chiense traditional side, or maybe sheltered, so i don't get to see very often how other families operate...and specifically, how non-christian families operate (since i've been going to a christian elemtary and high skool b4 going to Loo..i've befreidnign many Christian fmailies). they really intrigue me... and sometimes they make jokes about Christianity. these jokes don't offend me at all, it just makes me really wonder how they view Christianity and why they view it like that. from what i gather, families without God seem to be very happy on their own also, on the exterior anyways. they are perfectly content without God in their lives and have no need for them, in their opinion of course. it's nto that they're against christianity at all, bu rather i think that they deem it "religious" and thus consider themselveds non-religious folks. well, my one boss, his names's jeff. well, sometimes when jeff, monica (my other co-worker) and i are talking, they talk about a specific topic, but then before asking for my opinion, they kind of already think they know what i'm gonna say based on my faith. mostly, jeff would say how i woudln't be into that sort of thing just becaue i'm a christina. but they don't understand why. from what i gather, Christianity is just a bunch of rules and regulations to him which he has no need of. he pokes fun at something that i think he thinks we kind fo blindly follow. but i haven't gotten the chance to talk to him in depth about this kidn of stuff yet...but until that day comes, i pray that his eyes will be opened.
whoa...i wrote so much about work, that i dont' feel like bloggin about my family anymore..i'll leave that for the next blog!